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Transiting Towards Your Goal, Where Pain and Joy Fit In

The Law of Value, An Introduction


A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. – Proverbs 18:16

I have come to realize that, most times, if care is not taken, we may not fulfil 1 percent of our potentials. I have always dissociated myself from those who live just for themselves; whose main desire is to go up the ladder or pick up extra education solely to increase their chances for promotion in their work place.

Yes, it is a good thing to keep learning and for those who are open minded, life itself is an open field for knowledge upgrade but what you see determines your motivation in life. As a result, we need to constantly be reminded that there is more to just passing through life in this dispensation because man is capable of knowing whatever we set our hearts to seek.

If the original man is a little lower than Elohim according to Psalm 8:5, how much more the new creation? Yet we are given a clue in Ephesian 2:6 and many won’t conceive the desire to ask the Father of all wisdom why He made us part of the puzzle for solution in this age and time.

We go through life and as a result, we allow fear determine the new twists in our lives and environment. Life happens, for instance, COVID 19, Bad Government policies, or being laid off at work. Anthony Robin said we are not driven by reality but by our perception of reality.

In the book Surviving At The Top by Donald Trump, he pointed out that, ‘the truth is, almost nothing in life is what it’s cracked up to be except the battle to get where you want to go’ but what is the real one thing you desire out of life?

Once you know this, it drives your destination, the path to take and if it’s genuine and not just for the purpose of self, you will create a pathway for people who need the same solution no matter your field, hence your contributions to humanity.

One question I have never stopped asking myself is, what would be the reaction of the world anytime it hears or wants to call my name, smile, angry, sad or determined to take my bad action out on my children? These things are not farfetched, you are either giving people the reason to be hopeful or course the day they were born because of what you do to them. Nature based on certain principles or laws have a way of bringing these things back to us.  It’s a law, it cannot be manipulated, it is the law of Value.

We will be looking at Value itself in our next post.


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